Special Pujas

Lord Durga Puja

Durga, in Indic suggests that “She World Health Organization is meaningless or tough to succeed in.” divinity Durga may be a type of Sakti worshiped for her gracious still as alarming side. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and may be a image of a feminine dynamism. The manifestation of divinity Durga is alleged to emerge from Her formless essence and therefore the 2-area unit indivisible. She is additionally known as by several alternative names, like Annapurna, Ambika, and Kali. within the type of Annapurna, she is understood because the divine domestic partner of Lord Shiva and is that the mother of Her 2 sons, Hindu deity and Karthikeya, and female offspring Jyoti. Destroyer of demons, she is worshiped throughout AN annual pageant known as Durga puja.

Lord Durga in bangalore

Lord Durga in Bangalore

Lord Durga Puja

Performing Durga Puja a minimum of once in a very year can offer prosperity, health, wealth and peace of mind to the individual World Health Organization is playing it. Durga Puja is completed specially throughout the Navratri’s that come back double in a very year. Navratri virtually suggests that ‘9 nights’. lately area unit astrologically terribly powerful for non-secular upliftment. throughout lately and nights, prayers area unit offered to ‘Mother’ World Health Organization is that the Manifestation of absolutely the Energy that pervades the Universe. As ‘Durga’ sitting on a Lion, she may be a Manifestation of ‘Shakti’ or the primeval Energy. the facility to breathe, walk, digest etc, comes from Ma Durga. Durga Puja bestows wealth and property and protects the person from all forms of dangers.

Vaastu Shastra Puja

Vastu puja, one among the oldest classical Indian science, is essentially related to construction of homes. As per the vastu shastra, 5 basic parts, that square measure fireplace, Water, Sky, Air, and Earth regulate the laws of creation and have a control on everything around United States.

Our wide selection of vastu puja covers by and enormous every type of comes which has industrial, residential, public areas, theatres, hospitals, and mass housing. Our vastu solutions square measure supported principles of vastu shastra, during which we’ve decades of expertise.

Also, our vastu puja facilitate in maintaining peace and prosperity reception throughout pre and post project management. Without any physical or property injury they’re going to assist you to planned out your issues.

Vaastu Shastra Puja
Navagraha Puja

Navagraha Puja

The term Navagraha denotes the nine celestial bodies that area unit central to astrology calculations (and beliefs) (and not the nine planets because it is usually mistakenly translated). The sun, the moon, mars, mercury, jupiter, venus, saturn and therefore the two shadow planets Rahu and Ketu represent the Navagrahas. The nine “grahas” or planets in our horoscope management our destiny, our needs and their outcomes. every of those nine planets exerts associate degree influence in our lives, that is termed “dasa” and it will be better-known from one’s horoscope. Navagraha Puja is undertaken to cut back the negative effects and improve the positive energies associated with someone.

Many another times we tend to hear folks say our time is running dangerous. These dangerous times area unit attributed to the various Grahas (Planets), and their position within the current time. These Grahas will be appeased by acting the Graha shanti Puja. There are a unit two ways in which to perform this Puja. If you acknowledge that Graha has effects on you unfavorably, then tell U.S. the name which we are going to perform the Puja for you. the other methodology is for U.S. to go looking out out from your JanmaPatri thus perform the Puja for the Graha. specifically, seven 1/2 years Saturn quantity. typically, all-purpose Navagraha Homam for all Doshas from Horoscope, specifically seven 1/2 years Saturn amount. typically, all purpose. (For specific Jathaham, specific Gnahas additional japas) * is finished to get Navagraha anugraha, albeit they were placed in minus * By doing this Homam, Navagraha doshas area unit removed and sensible results can accrue.

Navagraha Puja

Durga, in Indic suggests that “She World Health Organization is meaningless or tough to succeed in.” divinity Durga may be a type of Sakti worshiped for her gracious still as alarming side. Mother of the Universe, she represents the infinite power of the universe and may be a image of a feminine dynamism. The manifestation of divinity Durga is alleged to emerge from Her formless essence and therefore the 2-area unit indivisible. She is additionally known as by several alternative names, like Annapurna, Ambika, and Kali. within the type of Annapurna, she is understood because the divine domestic partner of Lord Shiva and is that the mother of Her 2 sons, Hindu deity and Karthikeya, and female offspring Jyoti. Destroyer of demons, she is worshiped throughout AN annual pageant known as Durga puja.

Navagraha Puja
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